Mountain Flying with
Sylvain Leone

Doug MacKinnon – VFC Chairman       Sylvain Leone – CFI Aurora Flight Academy

The attendees at the VFC February meeting , after being treated to a fine spaghetti dinner, were given an informative talk on mountain flying by Sylvain Leone the chief flight instructor of Aurora Aviation Academy. When flying in the mountains, it is all about the weather. Sylvain impressed upon his audience the importance of correctly using all the available weather resources to get a complete picture of what the pilot might expect during the planned flight. In conjunction with this information and the pilot’s own personal minimums, a decision on whether to go or not can be responsibly made. “When, in preflight planning or enroute, the little voice inside your head starts to question the conditions of the flight, it is time to change your plans. Do not get emotionally tied to a particular outcome. Better to be on the ground wishing you were up in the air than in the air and wishing you were down on the ground”

A great spaghetti dinner thanks in large part to a big effort by Alison Crerar.