Sky High Diner NOW OPEN @ Vernon Airport

There’s a new sign on that new outdoor diner at the Vernon Airport right now. It states: Diner “OPEN NOW”.

In our view, it couldn’t come soon enough. Like the tulips and the robins, it’s another sign that spring is coming, and we’re happy to see it.

The Sky High Diner opened last year in a “food trailer” which is parked just outside the main gate beside the terminal building at the airport. The food is great! Wonderful burgers with lots more to choose from. With fast food becoming more and more hard to get at (or near) airports in the OK Valley vicinity, we’re HAPPY to see this Diner on stream again. You can check out their menu here.

So … next time you’re searching for place to go for the $100 hamburger, just call up Vernon on your GPS, and come on over.

The SKY HIGH DINER is open 6 days a week …. closed Sundays.